All of the following types of subjective questions can be set with 'Answer Data Encryption'.
- Short Text Answer
- Long Text Answer
- Email Address
- Website
- Numeric Value
With 'Answer data encryption' settings, all answer data collected for these questions will be stored encrypted using AES-GCM 256-bit.
Encrypting and storing data can ensure its security, but it can also make it inconvenient to use. Please be aware of this trade-off.
- Encryption can only be enabled or disabled during form 'Editing': You can only turn on or off the encryption feature when the form is initially created and in 'Editing' status. Once you press 'Publish' at Share page and the status changes to 'Pending', 'Collecting', or 'Closed', you cannot enable or disable encryption for existing questions; you can only enable or disable it for newly added questions. If you need answer data encryption, please be sure to turn on this feature from the beginning of form creation and note that you cannot turn it off later.
- When copying a form or question, the encryption settings are not copied. Encryption always has to be enabled manually.
- Only while using PRO service can you view encrypted data: The answer data encryption feature is a PRO service feature. You can only turn on this feature while using the PRO service, and likewise, encrypted data can only be viewed while using the PRO service. Even if your tier changes to below PRO service, the encryption will not be unlocked. However, you will no longer be able to view encrypted data. You will need to upgrade back to PRO service to view and download it.
- Result filtering is not available: You cannot use encrypted data as a filter when checking result data. For instance, if you create a question asking for a respondent's employee number and encrypt it, you won't be able to filter by employee number when checking the results.
- View result: When viewing results, the answer data will be shown as encrypted. You can click on this text to view the answer. If you refresh the screen, the answer will be hidden again.
- Download result: When downloading results, you can decide whether to display encrypted data. If you turn off the option, the answer will only be displayed as 'Encrypted'.
- Collaboration: You can decide whether to allow collaborators to view encrypted answers. If you turn on the 'Allow access to encrypted data' option in the collaborator settings, the collaborator can also view and download encrypted data. If you turn off this option, the collaborator will not be able to view those answers.
- 'Show results' settings: Even if you turn on the 'Show results' option in the Collect settings, others will not be able to view encrypted answers.
- The 'Answer data encryption' can only be enabled or disabled when you first create a form. Once you click the 'Publish' button on the Collect page and the form status changes to 'Pending', 'Collecting', or 'Closed', you can only enable or disable it for newly added questions.
- Only during the use of PRO service can you view and download encrypted answers. If your service tier falls below PRO, you will not be able to view encrypted answers. You need to upgrade back to PRO service to be able to view them again.