Fetching Form Responses

Fetches submitted response data for a specific form (form_id).

[GET] https://api.moaform.com/v1/forms/{form_id}/responses



Path Parameters

Key Description
form_id Required. Unique ID of the form


Query Parameters

Key Type Description
page integer Page of the list to be fetched. Default is 1
page_size integer Number of items per page. Default is 25, maximum is 1000
since string Limit requests to responses submitted after a specified date and time (e.g., 2020-03-20T14:00:59Z)
until string Limit requests to responses submitted before a specified date and time (e.g., 2020-03-20T14:00:59Z)
after string Limit to responses submitted after a specified response_id. Excludes the specified response_id
before string Limit to responses submitted before a specified response_id. Excludes the specified response_id
included_response_ids string Limit to responses that include specified response_id(s). For multiple IDs, separate with commas
excluded_response_ids string Limit to responses excluding specified response_id(s). For multiple IDs, separate with commas
sort_by string Field for list sorting. Default is 'submitted_at' (currently only 'submitted_a't is allowed)
order_by string Sorting order. Default is 'asc' (either ascending 'asc' or descending 'desc')



Key Type Description
total_items integer Total number of items in the result list
page_count integer Number of pages
items [object]  
↳ hidden object  
     ↳ d[n] string If hidden fields are present, display all hidden fields at the same hierarchy level. n=1~100
↳ response_id string Unique ID of the response
↳ response_code string Response code (The code used when utilizing the 'Restrict to response code and URL' option in Multiple responses settings; only sent when a code value is present)
↳ submitted_at string Timestamp of the response submission
↳ metadata object  
     ↳ browser string Respondent's browser information
     ↳ operating_system string Respondent's operating system information
     ↳ device string Respondent's device information
     ↳ user_agent string Respondent's User Agent
↳ answers [object]  
     ↳ block object  
          ↳ id string Unique ID of the block
          ↳ type string block type
     ↳ type string Type of the response (continuously described in a separate table below. Include this KEY to replace the position marked as ... for each type)
... ... ...
↳ thankyou object  
     ↳ id string Unique ID of the thank you page
     ↳ url string URL of the thank you page


answers type details

choice (choose one among many choices)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string choice
     ↳ choice object  
          ↳ id string Unique ID of the choice
          ↳ label string Content of the choice
          ↳ score integer Assigned score (appears only when score is assigned)
          ↳ other string Comments for 'Other' choice (appears only when the response is 'Other' choice)


choices (choose many among many choices)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string choices
     ↳ choices [object]  
          ↳ id string Unique ID of the choice
          ↳ label string Content of the choice
          ↳ score integer Assigned score (appears only when score is assigned)
          ↳ other string Comments for 'Other' choice (appears only when the response is 'Other' choice)

For ranking questions, the order in which the answers are listed represents their ranking.


media_choice (choose one among many media choices)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string media_choice
     ↳ media_choice object  
          ↳ id string Unique ID of the choice
          ↳ label string Content of the choice
          ↳ score integer Assigned score (appears only when score is assigned)
          ↳ other string Comments for 'Other' choice (appears only when the response is 'Other' choice)
          ↳ media object  
               ↳ type string Media type (currenty returns only 'image')
               ↳ url string Media URL


media_choices (choose many among many media choices)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string media_choices
     ↳ media_choices [object]  
          ↳ id string Unique ID of the choice
          ↳ label string Content of the choice
          ↳ score integer Assigned score (appears only when score is assigned)
          ↳ other string Comments for 'Other' choice (appears only when the response is 'Other' choice)
          ↳ media object  
               ↳ type string Media type (currenty returns only 'image')
               ↳ url string Media URL

For ranking questions, the order in which the answers are listed represents their ranking.


text (text answers)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string text
     ↳ text string Text input
     ↳ encrypted boolean Response data encrypted or not (appears only when it is "true")


email (email address)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string email
     ↳ email string Email address
     ↳ encrypted boolean Response data encrypted or not (appears only when it is "true")


url (url)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string url
     ↳ url string Website URL
     ↳ encrypted boolean Response data encrypted or not (appears only when it is "true")


number (answers in numbers such as Point Scale, Star rating, Numeric Value)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string number
     ↳ number number Number
     ↳ encrypted boolean Response data encrypted or not (only for Numeric Value block, appears only when it is "true")


address (address)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string address
     ↳ address [object]  
          ↳ street string street input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
          ↳ detail string detail input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
          ↳ city string city input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
          ↳ region string region input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
          ↳ postal_code string postal_code input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
          ↳ country string country input (appears only when defined as visibile_fields)
     ↳ encrypted boolean  Response data encrypted or not (appears only when it is "true")


files (attachment files)

Key Type Description
     ↳ type string files
     ↳ files [object]  
          ↳ name string File name
          ↳ size integer File size
          ↳ url [object]  
               ↳ api string File download API URL
               ↳ report string File download web URL