
You can integrate Moaform with numerous other external services via Zapier. Zapier integration is a free feature.

Encrypted data is decrypted and sent.
If the ownership of a form is transferred to another user, all Zapier integrations for that form will be disconnected.

How to Integrate:

  • On the “Integration” page of the form you want to connect to Zapier, find Zapier and click the “Integrate” button. When the Zapier page opens, log in. Alternatively, you can access the Zapier page directly and log in.
  • In Zapier, you can start the setup by clicking the “Connect Moaform to 6,000+ apps” button. Or, you can click the “+Create” button and select the “Zaps” menu to start the setup.
  • If you are integrating Moaform with Zapier for the first time, you may be prompted to log in again when connecting your Moaform account, and you may see a consent screen for the integration between Zapier and Moaform. After reading the content, click the "Accept" button to continue with the integration setup.
  • Currently, the Trigger provided by Moaform is “When a new response is collected”. When a new response is collected in the specified form, the designated data is sent to Zapier, and Zapier then sends the data to the specified Action app.



  • When Moaform sends response data, it is segmented and sent in the manner recommended by Zapier. Please refer to the “Data Sent” section below in this document.
  • When selecting the data sent from Moaform to Zapier in the action app, the questions (data) are not displayed in the order of the Moaform form. This is not because Moaform doesn't do this, but because it is sorted according to Zapier's internal rules.
  • The number or frequency of data that can be integrated via Zapier may vary depending on the Zapier plan you are using. For more details, please refer to


Data Sent

Moaform sends the general information of the response and the response data to Zapier as follows. Users can select the necessary data in Zapier and send it to the Action app. The explanations are divided into “General Information” and “Response Data”.

General Information:

The general information about the form/question is displayed in the following format.

  • Form Title: The title of the form.
  • Form ID: The ID of the form.
  • ID (Response ID): The ID of the response.
  • Report URL: The URL of the Moaform results page for this form.
  • Submit date (ISO 8601 UTC): The date and time this form was submitted, in ISO 8601 UTC format. To view it in a specific local time (e.g., Korean time), you will need to use Zapier's premium features (Add a step) or convert it manually.
  • Thank you page URL: The URL of the thank you page for the respondent.
  • Response time elapsed (HH:MM:SS.msec format): The time taken to complete the response.

Response Data:

Responses to the questions are displayed as follows.

  • For all types of choice questions, the response to the question and each option are displayed separately.
    For example, if there is a question “What is your favorite fruit?” with options “Apple”, “Pear”, “Strawberry” and the respondent selects “Pear”, it will be displayed in Zapier as follows:
    P1B2 What is your favorite fruit? Pear
    P1B2 What is your favorite fruit? (P1B2C1 Apple)
    P1B2 What is your favorite fruit? (P1B2C2 Pear) Pear
    P1B2 What is your favorite fruit? (P1B2C3 Strawberry)
    All Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Dropdown, and Ranking questions are displayed in the same way. For Ranking questions, the order of responses indicates the rank.
  • For media choice questions, it is similar to regular choice qustions but also displays image links, with the labels and image links shown separately.
  • For matrix questions, the main question is not displayed, only the sub-questions are shown similarly to choice questions.
  • For Point Scale and Star Rating questions, only the question and the score are displayed.
  • For Address questions, the full address is displayed once, and then each component of the address (Street/Location Adress, Detailed Address, City, State/Province/Region, Postal code, Country) is displayed separately.
  • For all open end questions, only the question and the response are displayed.