Moaform forms are stored on AWS cloud servers. After logging into Moaform, you can manage them in folders and with labels on the “My forms” page.
Structure of “My forms”:
- GNB (Global Navigation Bar): At the very top of the screen, you’ll find the GNB, which includes a search bar that allows you to look up forms or folders by title only.
- Navigation Panel: On the left side of the screen, there is a navigation panel with a folder directory, favorites, and a trash bin, making it easier to locate your forms and folders. By clicking “Create” at the top of this panel, you can add new folders and new forms.
- Menu Bar: Located at the top right of the navigation panel, the menu bar displays the current directory path and offers menus relevant to the selected folders and forms.
- List: This area shows your folders and forms.
Basic Points About Managing Forms:
- You can create folders up to 10 levels deep. “My forms” is level 0. If you create a new folder inside “My forms,” that new folder becomes level 1, and so on, up to a maximum depth of 10 levels.
- Within a single level, you can create up to 200 folders.
- To select multiple forms or folders, hold down the Shift or Control key while clicking additional items. Holding Shift allows continuous selection, while holding Control lets you select items individually. On mobile, press and hold a folder or form to select it.
- For collaborative forms, forms where you are an “Viewer” can only be viewed under “Collaborating > as a Viewer” in the left navigation panel.
- For collaborative forms, forms you own that are under collaboration can be viewed both in “My forms” and under “Collaborating > as an Owner”
- Both folders and forms can be assigned labels.
- When you delete a folder or form, it moves to the trash and will be permanently deleted after 30 days. Within this 30-day period, you can restore it. For more details on deleting and restoring folders and forms, please refer to the separate document.
- On mobile devices, tapping the three-line menu at the bottom right corner of the screen will open the left navigation panel.