Below is information regarding the deletion and restoration of forms and folders:
- When you delete a form or folder from the “My forms” page, it is first moved to the Trash.
- After 30 days in the Trash, it will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
- If you select a form or folder within 30 days of its move to the Trash and click the “Restore” button, it will be restored.
- Even before 30 days have passed, you can permanently delete a form or folder in the Trash right away by choosing “Empty Trash” or by clicking “Delete” in the right-side menu of the respective form or folder. In this case, you must type “Delete” exactly (including capitalization) in the confirmation window.
- When a form is deleted, all related question content, collected data, attached files, and the sending history of any purchased reward coupons are also deleted.
- When a folder is deleted, all forms and folders contained within it are also deleted.
- You cannot open any folders or files while they are in the Trash. To view them, you must restore them first.
- When restoring a folder or file from the Trash, it returns to its original folder. If the original folder no longer exists, it will be restored to “My forms.”