
These are the types and descriptions of questions supported by Moaform.

  • Information: This is used to deliver information, not to ask questions to the respondent. You can insert texts, images, or videos.
  • Single Choice: You can only select one answer from multiple choice. You can create 'Other' choice and assign scores to each choice.
  • Multiple Choice: You can select multiple answers from multiple choice. You can configure minimum and maximum number of responses and assign scores to each choice.
  • Dropdown: This is same as Single Choice but in a drop-down box form. This is useful when there are many choices but you can't insert image or videos in this format.
  • Ranking: You can rank your answers. Answers selected first have highest rank and you can configure minimum and maximum number of responses like multiple choices.
  • Media Single Choice: This is a single choice based on image. You can only select one answer from several image choices and you can configure card size and photo placement.
  • Media Multiple Choice: You can select multiple answers from several image choices and you can configure card size and photo placement.
  • Media ranking: You can rank multiple image choices and you can configure size and photo placement.
  • Point Scale: You can respond to a question by score on a scale. From levels 3 to 11, starting score can be configured at 0, 1, -1, -2, -3, -4. and -5. (You can only select one minus score by level. At level 11, you can only select -5.) Also, you can write labels on the left, center, and right side of the scale. (Ex: very bad, average, very good)
  • Star Rating: This is similar to Point Scale but it is shown by stars, smileys, or hearts. You can configure it from levels 3-10 and it can be configured to show scores.
  • Net Promoter Score®: It is a standardized question that measures customer loyalty by asking how much your product or service was and if the customer would recommend it to a friend or colleague. It is a standardized question and some settings cannot be changed to maintain the same question as much as possible. It is recommended that sentences are edited to ‘Our services, our company, etc.’ only in the part stating ‘Our products’. Even small changes in the phrases may alter response tendency of respondents and this may derive from the standard. Net Promoter Score® is registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.
  • Matrix Single Choice: You can create sub-questions to share the same choices in matrix form. You can only select a single answer per sub-question.
  • Matrix Multiple Choice: You can create sub-questions to share the same choices in matrix form. You can select multiple answers per sub-question.
  • Matrix Ranking: You can create sub-questions to share the same choices in matrix form to rank them.
  • Long Text Answer: This is a question where the respondent can enter a response directly. It allows line breaks via enter key and it is useful for receiving long responses. It displays visually larger entry field.
  • Short Text Answer: This is a question where the respondent can enter a response directly. It does not allow line breaks via enter key and it is useful for receiving short responses. It displays a single-line entry field.
  • Numeric Value: It receives numeric value that can be calculated. It is limited from -9,999,999,999.99999 to 9,999,999,999.99999 (10 Digits above decimal, 5 digits below decimal). It is better to use free format or regular expression format for simple number input such as phone numbers and serial numbers. Numeric value type questions can configure input range and decimal limit.
  • Email Address: You can only enter email address.
  • Website Address: You can only enter website address.
  • File Upload: Respondents can upload files. Up to 5 files can be uploaded per question and maximum file size is 10MB per file. Creator can limit file extension. Total volume of storage  is 10GB per account. Only PRO user can create File Upload question and please keep in mind that if you are downgraded to PLUS or BASIC, you can no longer download uploaded files until you upgrade to PRO again.
  • Line Shape: You can place a decorative line shape. You can configure and transparency of the line.