Is it possible to change the color, size, shape, etc. of the button generated when using 'Embed to your web page' method?

Yes, it is possible. However, if you are not a developer, it might be a bit difficult, so please read the following information carefully and try to follow it.

'Embed to your web page' code and button shape provided by default are as follows.

<a class="moaform-embed moaform-style-button" href="" data-type="popup" target="_blank">Answer</a>
<script>(function() { var s, b; s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = '//'; b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; b.insertBefore(s, b.firstChild); })()</script>


Let's modify the button's appearance and text content by adding a few elements to this code. (Only the added parts and the modified parts will be shown in bold.)

<a class="moaform-embed moaform-style-button" href="" data-type="popup" target="_blank" style="background: #D97362; border-radius: 8px; width:140px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px;">Participate!</a>
<script>(function() { var s, b; s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = '//'; b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; b.insertBefore(s, b.firstChild); })()</script>


The meaning of each added and edited content in the second code is as follows:

  • background: #D97362 --> Specify the button color as #D97362 color. (#D97362 is a HEX color code.)
  • border-radius: 8px --> Make the button corners rounded with a radius of 8px
  • width: 140px --> Specify the width of the button as 140px
  • height: 50px --> Specify the height of the button as 50px
  • line-height: 50px --> Specify the height of the text area as 50px. (This is a value to position the text in the button in the center vertically, just set it to the same as the button height.)
  • Participate! --> Change the text "Answer" in the first code to the text you want, such as "Participate!".

You can apply various other styles, but knowing just this much should allow you to create buttons that match the style of your web page.